Dr. Cory Hines, university president, announced the strategic planning committee in spring.
The committee first met for three months of prayer through spring and summer where they prayed together for each university employee and department on campus.
Following a review of previous HPU strategic plans, the committee conducted a S.O.A.R. (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results) exercise as a committee and with faculty and staff in fall 2021.
Survey and Analysis
Based on the S.O.A.R. results, a web-based survey was distributed for feedback. Over 660 responses were aggregated into an interactive dashboard giving the committee an opportunity to drill into the data to uncover themes and initiatives important to various groups of stakeholders (faculty, staff, alumni, students, community members, and university trustees).
Listening Sessions
During summer 2022, listening sessions were held to receive feedback on five priorities (later consolidated into four priorities) and subsequent initiatives that emerged from the survey and analysis.
In the late summer and early fall of 2022, the committee reviewed and refined the priorities and initiatives, while including measurable actions offered by stakeholders during listening sessions.
In fall 2022, the committee wrote and edited a rough draft of the strategic plan for presentation to the University trustees at the October board meeting. A final copy of the Strategic Plan 2023-2028 was completed in November- December 2022.
An implementation committee was selected and commissioned for carrying out the Strategic Plan 2023-2028 over the next five years, beginning in January 2023.